Compliance Management
“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”
W. Edwards Deming
Understanding Compliance
Change can be difficult. Driving change in an organization can be exceptionally challenging when there is not an established methodology or effective tools to help successfully guide you through it. Compliance is a type of change related to managing transformation toward a set of standards or goals. Often compliance is related to government regulatory requirements or top management directives, and the level of success can have a direct impact on the bottom line and on the mitigation of risk.
Many organizations that have been through compliance initiatives realize that the processes supporting compliance need to be built in as part of core behavior rather than as one off projects. Getting through this often complicated transition to an acceptable end state is tough – that is where Tectus comes in.
We have a methodology for achieving compliance that has been repeatedly successful. At a high level, it includes:
Tectus can also help you sustain compliance, through our emphasis on documentation, training, metrics and governance.
Tectus Compliance Services
Tectus has driven compliance processes for companies of all sizes, and has a set of proprietary, web based tools to help with the process. Our expertise in Compliance Management covers several areas. They include:
Security Compliance
This includes security related to people, locations, assets and information. Often it involves a cross disciplinary look at an organization’s infrastructure and behavior, and can reach out as far as overseas suppliers and involved third parties. Our experience enables us to help companies with critical security compliance initiatives such as C-TPAT, AEO, PIP and TAPA.
Export Compliance
All companies exporting products, technology or information out of the US must be compliant with the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) regulations. They are complex, and can many times require changes to interrelated business processes, IT infrastructure, and customer management.
Vendor Compliance
Getting your suppliers to behave in a way that creates efficiencies for your organization and meshes with your business practices can be challenging. Tectus has years of vendor management experience, and has developed tools and processes that help you standardize, control and optimize these important relationships.
Complex Enterprise Compliance
When compliance involves complex enterprises (such as a supply chain, global office locations, oil pipeline sections, warehouses, or chemical production plants), there emerges a unique set of dynamics that must be accounted for. Tectus has built a set of automated, on line tools and processes to efficiently and cost effectively manage the transformation of complex enterprises. It is highly configurable so that the transition toward almost any compliance standards can be effectively managed.